
Category Archives for vision

Help, my staff are quiet quitting

The Story Talking with a friend, he shared how he had hired someone a year ago with hopes of making them the Manager, proactive succession planning. He knew I would be pleased that he had been

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How leaders are redesiging their businesses using the 5 MYs method

I have always been on a mission to support leaders in creating teams and organisations that attract, develop and engage top talent and get results. It's why my business was formed.Now my conversations

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How LeaderX focuses on results

GenerationX and the Xennial leader is is primed and ready to take the senior leadership roles. They think and feel differently about life and work than their older Boomer mentors, and as such they

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10 tips to lead with vision

Vision creates an idea, a wish, a belief and in turn creates followers. A leader without a vision is no leader at all. It is a director, a boss, a manager or a dictator. To inspire and lead you need a

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Steve Jobs on leadership

Steve jobs on leadership. Love him or hate him, he had a vision and was a transformational leader.  Hear his team talk about his approach to hiring talent.  

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