
Category Archives for leadership

How kindness can make feedback really impactful

Delivering Feedback with KindnessThe act of giving feedback can often be uncomfortable and daunting. It is especially difficult when it needs to be given to a senior or long-standing colleague. However,

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Leadership Retreats: A Necessity, Not a Luxury

The world of business can be relentless and overwhelming and the idea of a leadership retreat can feel like a luxury. It is no surprise that leaders are often kept busy with competing demands, time pressures,

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Why meetings fail and how to make them more productive

The Story:Meeting fatigue is real. According to a survey, 70% of people dread them, with “lack of clarity” and "waste of time" being the main pain points. Inefficient meetings are everywhere,

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Help, my staff are quiet quitting

The Story Talking with a friend, he shared how he had hired someone a year ago with hopes of making them the Manager, proactive succession planning. He knew I would be pleased that he had been

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New Year New You?

New Year ResolutionsI don't like to admit to setting resolutions because generally they are impossible to keep. Alas I do. I can't help it. New year is a new start so I, like many, reflect on what

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