
Category Archives for leadership

How leaders create align personal goals with business purpose to achieve a results based culture

Yesterday I met with a CEO of a national brand. She had just completed her interview with Investors in People assessors and was hoping to maintain gold status.  One of the questions that was asked left

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How most leaders forget what their vision was and how they can find it again

Where are you going? I bet when you started your  role you had a vision of what might be. You may have painted this picture in your interview, or shared it with your leadership team. You could

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How leaders know and then forget what they need to do to succeed

Most of the leaders who contact me know they have a problem. They are generally fairly new into role, perhaps a year or two. They have spent time observing with the childlike mind that you can only really

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4 steps to create a leadership strategy and future proof your company

Leadership strategies give businesses the advantage. The advantage of having a leadership strategy in place are huge. In fact, many CEO’s and HR leads are contacting us to help step up their leadership

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The worst excuses I’ve heard about being a controlling manager

Controlling Managers are everywhere and they have told me some great reasons why they do what they do. Thankfully most of them are smart enough to realise that their own justifications are feeding their

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