
Category Archives for leadership

Team Charters. Old hat or absolute essentials?

Let’s talk Team Charters. I can see your eyes rolling now. Not another HR initiative. I have done exactly the same in the past. A set of rules and principles, handed to me or posted on a wall

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This is how to manage me – a generational view

In our work we hear more concerns from leaders about the changing dynamics of the workplace. They struggle to connect with the younger millennials, and worry that the older boomers are stuck and resistant

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fear and blame kill performance

5 ways to win by focusing on people

If everything is about AI and technology, then why worry about people? It makes no sense right? well we all know than an organisation is made up of people and happy people work better, smarter, more creatively

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Will coaching really help my business?

We have been using coaching as a core skill in leadership and team performance for over 20 years. Back then it was a new concept, some might have even thought of it as a fad, but it has stood the test

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What would you like to create today?

Leadership is a state of being. It is a daily intention, a life purpose, a gift. You get to decide how you will lead your life, how you will think, how you will react to your feelings and how you will

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