
Category Archives for leadership

Quiet leadership that goes unnoticed

The quiet leaders in your teamIn the midst of all teams you will have many kinds of people working together to achieve a goal. You have the leaders by status who hold the title. You have the doers,

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Inject some life into your meetings with systemic relationship coaching

The need for better teamsGet ready to unlock the full potential of your team with a sprinkle of ingenuity and a dash of collaboration! In today's fast-paced business environment, we often find our

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The Generalist’s Edge: Leading in a Multi-Dimensional World

The generalist leader I have always been a generalist leader. I used to feel slightly inadequate against those leaders who had forged a vertical career path through a specialism. That was until

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Empowering Leaders to Make Confident Decisions

As a leader, the ability to make decisions is crucial for the success of your team and organisation. However, you may find yourself facing challenges that hinder your decision-making process, such as

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Leaders who will get the least from coaching yet need it the most

The Story The problem with leadership coaching is the people who need it the most are the least likely to gain anything from it. They don't willingly engage in it and therefore the results

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