
Category Archives for goals

How LeaderX focuses on results

GenerationX and the Xennial leader is is primed and ready to take the senior leadership roles. They think and feel differently about life and work than their older Boomer mentors, and as such they

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How leaders create align personal goals with business purpose to achieve a results based culture

Yesterday I met with a CEO of a national brand. She had just completed her interview with Investors in People assessors and was hoping to maintain gold status.  One of the questions that was asked left

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Trust in leadership

Leading with trust to find solutions

Trust is essential in leadership and followership. The word trust seems to come up time and time again in my conversations with leaders. When we talk, leaders say, “of course, we have high trust

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My Story – Why I do what I do.

More and more I am being asked why I do what I do and what drives me. It feels really strange to share my story as I have always been preoccupied by understanding other people and exploring why we do what

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What to do when the carrot and stick stop working

Many businesses have created motivational and performance structures around the carrot and the stick approach, but what do you do when the carrot and the stick stop working. The truth is they probably

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