
Category Archives for direction

The post pandemic workplace

As the Government asks us all to go back to work if we can, the 65% of British workers might take offense, as they have been working throughout the pandemic, just not in the office. Key workers were working

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10 tips to lead with vision

Vision creates an idea, a wish, a belief and in turn creates followers. A leader without a vision is no leader at all. It is a director, a boss, a manager or a dictator. To inspire and lead you need a

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What to do when the carrot and stick stop working

Many businesses have created motivational and performance structures around the carrot and the stick approach, but what do you do when the carrot and the stick stop working. The truth is they probably

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Changing the energy

Over the holidays I moved house, seemed a little crazy at the time, but wow what a difference it has made to my mindset. When we get stuck we stagnate.  By simply changing your environment you really

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Achieving goals

Setting Goals to Succeed What’s your goal?  I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t want to improve some aspect of their lives, or themselves.  Becoming the very best version of myself and

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