
3 things big business can learn from the entrepreneur

Maybe it is a result of the recession and mass redundancies, or maybe it is the lack of employment available for young people, or maybe it is just because we are now seeing that there is another way, but

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Reflect your way to growth

Wow what a week of successes, failures, stumbles and skips.  My emotions and confidence levels have been doing left and right turns and backing me into corners. Now, let me tell you it was probably just

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Don’t beat yourself up

Why are we always trying to be perfect.  Even when we are doing well, we think we must do better.  Always focusing on the next challenge or goal.  And then sometimes we make a mistake.  We say the

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Embracing Vulnerability

What does vulnerability mean to you?  Take a minute to think about it. I remember the moment that I realised that most of my coping mechanisms in my life were to stop my feelings of vulnerability.  Vulnerability

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Coaching Leaders Values

Please watch my short presentation on why coaching leaders foundational values and heart values can shape the organisation Coaching Leaders Values

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The Organisational Virus

Since stepping away from the corporate world, and reflecting back as to what makes great teams, great leaders and great organisations, I know that by and large, everyone wants to work for a great organisation. After

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How to empower?

Empower is a buzz word.  It has been doing the rounds for a few years now and we all know that great leaders empower, great companies empower their staff and we are better parents when we empower our

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Time to get a coach

I love the fact that I am hearing the word coach all of the time now. It is becoming part of our universal language, and the benefits of coaching are just known, and often don’t need explaining. 

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