
Do leaders really need a coach?

I get asked about the benefits of coaching all of the time, and the answer is as varied as the types of coaching professionals out there.  10 years ago, the main reason for hiring a coach within your

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Performance starts with ME

It is easy to get lost in all of the research, Ted Talks, models and business books when attempting to find a solution to increase performance.  Everyday there are new words or jargon trying to say the

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Mix it up for innovation

How many times have you been in an innovation session, which starts of well, but then ends up being anything but innovative? You sit down and someone says, “Let’s get creative, brainstorm,

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How to destroy your Kingdom – a fable

Once upon a time there was a large kingdom that was big and powerful.  So powerful and big that it became slow, resistant to change and extremely inefficient in delivering what it was designed to do to

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If you think it, say it

Why oh why can’t we just say what we think.  How many times have you sat in a meeting, or had a conversation and not said what is really on your mind?   Unless you are one of the rare individuals

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Leadership Beyond Measure

Last night I had the privilege of celebrating the book launch Leadership beyond measure. This wasn’t your standard book launch I might add.  Sure there were readings and thanks and gratitude, but

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A real life leadership story

Over the last few months I have had the pleasure to observe a Leader that demonstrates so many of the Leadership practices and behaviours that I help clients develop. It has been a pleasure to observe

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Career sabotage

I have had the pleasure of sitting on the interview panel, being interviewed myself, and coaching others in getting their dream job.  I feel privaleged, and frustrated.   I get so frustrated

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Change your mindset and think differently

Our brain is an amazing creation.  We all know that.  We have the ability to reason, rationalise, create and innovate all at the same time.   Yet sometimes our brains can limit us because

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