Feedback is a gift You know the phrase and giving usually feels good doesn’t it? Yet the idea of giving feedback fills most people with dread and as a result our gift is not always gratefully received.
Continue readingWe often think of collaboration as two separate entities working together to achieve something together. It often feels forced and maybe uncomfortable at times. Co-Creating is different, it has a different
Continue readingNormal is a perception Last night my daughter asked me what’s up with North Korea. Random question yes, but she asked because she had heard that it’s not a place you’d be able to go
Continue readingAttract the right people It takes a lot of effort to attract and recruit people to your company, not to mention the cost that is usually associated with recruitment. Imagine how great life would
Continue readingTrust the foundation of any relationship Trust is fundamental building block of any relationship. We use the same life skills whether we are in relationship personally or in the workplace and your
Continue readingPlay in the workplace doesn’t mean less work We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing” George Bernard Shaw Play isn’t just fun. Everyone understands
Continue readingEverything DiSC Workplace profile helps your team to connect, understand and build strong working relationships. We start with an individual and create a full workshop to help your team develop and form. Save
Continue readingCollaboration, the new business mind set Back when I started my career, some twenty years ago, I was told some facts about work that I held as truth. Work was hard, it was a dog eat dog world and I was
Continue readingIntimidating Managers This week I attended a presentation on dignity in the workplace hosted by MFG solicitors. We discussed the legal position of bullying and harassment and the impact individuals
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