Problems are inevitable, how you deal with them is a choice. So many times I meet Managers who become enthused by the prospect of making a positive change. They totally get the work we do and why we
Continue readingOver the holidays I moved house, seemed a little crazy at the time, but wow what a difference it has made to my mindset. When we get stuck we stagnate. By simply changing your environment you really
Continue readingHindsight does not lead to foresight “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got” Henry Ford The human brain is primed for efficiency and as a result
Continue readingPoor performance is the enemy of success and growth. When we work with clients we hear the same problem arising again and again. Poor performance is causing managers stress, time and draining resources.
Continue readingTransformation blah blah. What once was a buzz word now is just our way of living. Life is changing at such a rate that we sometimes want to scream “Stop”. Can’t things just remain
Continue readingLucy Barkas is writing her first book. Her aim is to help leaders to create an culture of accountability and personal responsibility in the workplace through connection, trust and total clarity. Lucy will
Continue readingOver the last few months I have met more and more leaders who are preparing for a step change in business performance. Over the last few years they have battened down the hatches, survived, cut costs or
Continue readingLeaders shape cultures so should we really be surprised to hear of the problems Ryanair are facing at the moment. All leadership and employee engagement research could have predicted the outcome, yet
Continue readingOur research shows that leaders who are responsible for a business, or business unit with between 100-250 employees are facing similar problems. Whether it is a fast growth business that has the
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