
Tag Archives for " ego "

Do you like the “work” you?

It’s Monday morning and you arrive at your first meeting, in your grey, black or blue suit, laptop and notepad in hand, ready to do business.  You take a deep breath, shoulders back and get ready

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My Ideas Matter – confidence building 1

Part 1 of the confidence building series looks at how our trust in our own abilities directly impacts our self-confidence.  Confident people generally have a high level of self-worth.  So answer yourself

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7 truths about confident people

A reoccurring topic that I see with clients is lack of confidence. This shows up in so many different disguises, but beneath it always stems down to confidence. Lack of confidence shows up in so many

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Empower yourself and you empower the world

I get so passionate about why I believe empowering others, supporting and lifting each other is so important.  I often get so stuck in articulating it because there are too many connections, causes and

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