
Category Archives for business

Leaders embrace agility and flexibility to thrive in a VUCA World

The fast changing world we live inLeaders are feeling the pressure of always being on. Every day there seems to be a new problem, and not a small one either. We live in rapidly changing times, where

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Why leaders need to define the real problem before fixing it by involving the team

Learn how having a shared understanding of the issue helps to generate effective solutions and why leaders should ensure their team feels comfortable speaking up with ideas or feedback that arise during

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What you need to know when leading 4 generations in the workplace

The generational landscape I remember talking with a senior leadership team back in 2015 who were perplexed with the younger generation. They didn't understand what they wanted or why they didn't

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woman in black and pink floral long sleeve shirt sitting on chair

Hybrid working and work life integration

A couple of years ago, all everyone was talking about was remote working – meaning working from home. I think many people still associate the two together, but remote working isn’t just working

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Quiet quitting: a generational shift in the workplace

I have been watching the TikTok videos by millennial and GenZ career advisors with great interest. There is a real shift, and a following, in the advice being given to the next generation

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